Our Story
Knuckle Sammys is a passion project that grew from our desire to provide our customers with a form of personal defense. Our team originally worked together doing custom fabrications. We have years of experience in project design and creation, allowing us to create a variety of brass knuckles that can’t be found elsewhere in addition to designing completely custom products.
During our time working in fabrication, we worked with a number of large national corporations and were often under major deadlines. With this experience and the lessons we learned from it, we have all of the tools we need to build Knuckle Sammys into a major brand. We look forward to working with you to design custom brass knuckles that will give you a sense of security no matter where you are.
“We are offering are high quality, hand crafted Knuckles from top quality materials and built to last a lifetime.” – Matt Price
We pride ourselves on machining every pair we create, materials are tested and picked from our provider partners, quality metals for quality products to last a lifetime. We wouldn’t have it any other way!
John Bartolo was an incredible person who positively impacted our lives. John introduced us to the thrilling world of UFC, igniting a shared passion that brought us together in many unforgettable ways and connected us with many wonderful people. We were truly sorry to hear of his passing last year on March 5, 2022, leaving an irreplaceable void in our hearts. We will always remember the positive influence and be forever grateful for the time we were blessed with him. Your Legacy will live on in our hearts and souls, our dear friend.
Remember who took you to the dance !!
John Bartolo