We value our Partners 1000%
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Vestibulum feugiat tellus est molestie cursus. Curabitur sollicitudin velit euismod orci accumsan, dapibus velit euismod. Praesent non ligula. Donec iaculis malesuada nulla vel convallis. Praesent massa lectus, feugiat vel interdum, hendrerit ac libero. Proin nec pellentesque odio, vel molestie metus. Integer non vehicula mi. Donec nec fermentum ligula.
Exclusive Knuckle Sammys “KNUX KLUB” is our team member fanclub featured around the country. Drop us your Knux selfies to be featured on our Instagram feed and stories
Ding Ding! Punches thrown!!! Our powerhouse partners at UFC are our biggest supporters and have featured Knuckle Sammys at select events.
Trash talking during a threat is a waste of time when you gotta run. Your aggressor getting to close, “GONNA GET STUNG”… aside from their personal protection products, STUNG! is an intense partner!
Talk Shit. Get Hit! Period. UFC Fight Team.